July 21, 2022

Infographic: NE1727 Multistate Research Project: Influence of Ovary, Uterus, and Embryo on Pregnancy Success in Ruminants

Infographic: NE1727 Multistate Research Project: Influence of Ovary, Uterus, and Embryo on Pregnancy Success in Ruminants

By: ASAS Editorial


Members of the NE1727 Multistate Research Project: Influence of Ovary, Uterus, and Embryo on Pregnancy Success in Ruminants have compiled a set of manuscripts that represents their past and current efforts defining the importance of oocyte quality, follicle growth and the corpus luteum (CL) to pregnancy success (Bishop et al., 2022). The series includes manuscripts on CL transcriptomes (Hughes et al, 2022) and CL signaling systems (Goulet et al, 2022), mechanistic insight into folliculogenesis (Lundberg et al., 2022Horn et al., 2022Klabnik et al., 2022Moorey et al., 2022) and ovarian JAK/STAT signaling during environmental stress (Roach et al., 2022). These contributions and others can be found in the Featured Collection of this issue.

Read more in the Journal of Animal Science.