June 29, 2015 – Tiffany Hebb is a graduate student at Tuskegee University but a native of Washington, D.C. Being raised in the D.C. metropolitan area, Hebb had no prior experience with agriculture. In fact, she initially believed majoring in animal sciences meant studying companion or laboratory animals.
“You can only image how surprised I was to see a goat on my first day of introduction to animal science class, and even more shocked when it defecated right in front of me,” said Hebb regarding her first-ever encounter with livestock.
Yet, her first livestock encounter did not deter her; it sparked a curiosity in the broad world of animal sciences, which turned into an ever-growing passion for the field. As she learned more about agriculture and animal sciences, she wanted to explore all the possibilities of animal agriculture and related sciences.
Currently, Hebb is pursuing a Doctorate degree in Integrative Biosciences and training in Reproductive Physiology. Her project specifically investigates the molecular mechanisms of spermatogenesis in goats. Her career goal is to continue developing as an animal scientist through research and administrative activities that allow her to effectively communicate scientific knowledge.
Hebb says she is excited to be one of the four students selected as a 2015 ASAS Science Policy Summer Intern. While in Washington, D.C., she will be interning with Congressman Mike Rogers, R-AL. During the experience, she hopes to gain insight into policy and legislation while being involved with daily activities of conducting literature searches, writing reports and attending hearings.
She is interested in science policy as a possible career because it is “an ideal blend of science, policy and communication.” Through this internship, she intends to contribute to the world of animal agriculture by assisting with the concise and coherent communication between scientists, producers, policy makers and laypersons to address current and future issues relating to agriculture and related interest areas.