Interpretive Summary: Sheep fecal transplantation affects growth performance in mouse models by altering gut microbiota
By: Jiangbo Cheng, Xiaoxue Zhang, Deyin Zhang, Yukun Zhang, Xiaolong Li, Yuan Zhao, Dan Xu, Liming Zhao, Wenxin Li, Jianghui Wang, Bubo Zhou, Changchun Lin, Xiaobin Yang, Rui Zhai, Panpan Cui, Xiwen Zeng, Yongliang Huang, Zongwu Ma, Jia Liu, Weimin Wang
The rate of development of growth traits determines the productivity of sheep. Shortening the fattening cycle of sheep can effectively improve economic efficiency. Gut microbes have important effects on host growth traits. In this study, the method of fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) was used to transplant the intestinal microbes of sheep into the mouse model, and the changes of the growth traits and intestinal microbes of the mice were observed. The results suggest that FMT can effectively affect growth traits by altering recipient gut microbes. This provides a new idea for the regulation of sheep growth traits.
Read the full article in the Journal of Animal Science.