The Dublin Declaration is now available for scientists to sign
By: Sydney Sheffield
A conference to highlight the global role and importance of meat and meat production was recently held in Dublin, Ireland. The conference, “The Societal Role of Meat - What the Science Says,” was organized by a panel of world-renown meat science experts and The Agriculture and Food Development Authority (Teagasc), the semi-state authority in the Republic of Ireland responsible for research and development, training, and advisory services in the agriculture and food sector.
"There is a more urgent need than ever before to ensure that agricultural, industrial, governmental, and educational stakeholders act on the basis of the best available scientific information regarding livestock farming and meat consumptions impacts on individual and population health, the environment, and livelihoods," said Teagasc Assistant Director of Research Declan Troy.
Almost 200 individuals attended the by invitation only summit including scientists, agricultural representatives, and policymakers from around the world. Members of the American Society of Animal Science (ASAS) Public Policy Committee attended the conference.
Due to the importance of the subject matter discussed at the conference, a public statement, The Dublin Declaration of Scientists on the Societal Role of Livestock (Dublin Declaration) is now available for scientists to sign. The goal of the Dublin Declaration is to give a voice to the many scientists around the world who research in various disciplines to improve and innovate the future of animal agriculture. As of this writing, the Dublin Declaration has over 520 signatures.
The European Union (EU) Agriculture Commissioner Janusz Wojciechowski published a tweet regarding the importance of the Dublin Declaration, “Politicians must listen carefully to research and science before taking decisions. Livestock has a very important role in our societies. The Dublin Declaration of Scientists on the Societal Role of Livestock - recently approved, is a very valuable contribution to the ongoing debates in the EU. I recommend its reading.”
The Dublin Declaration can be signed only by scientists with ongoing research, teaching, publication, or presentation activity, and who are in some way affiliated with either a university or a research-driven organization. Learn more about signing the Dublin Deceleration here.