Interpretive Summary: Feeding a Saccharomyces cerevisiae fermentation product before and during a feed restriction challenge on milk production, plasma biomarkers, and immune function in Holstein cows
By: Danielle N Coleman, Qianming Jiang, Matheus G Lopes, Luciano Ritt, Yusheng Liang, Ahmad Aboragah, Erminio Trevisi, Ilkyu Yoon, Juan J Loor
Postbiotic fermentation products have the potential to improve health and support anti-inflammatory functions when fed to lactating dairy cows. Since dairy cows experience disruptions of the intestinal barrier function at various stages of their life, for example, the transition into lactation, we sought to investigate potential beneficial effects of feeding a Saccharomyces cerevisiae fermentation (NTK) before and during a period of feed restriction to challenge gut function. Although feeding NTK increased yield of energy-corrected milk and feed efficiency prior to feed restriction (FR), it had no effect on production or plasma indices of metabolism, inflammation, and liver function during a period of abrupt FR to 40% of baseline feed intake.
Read the full article in the Journal of Animal Science.