Interpretive Summary: Short communication: diversity of endogenous avian leukosis virus subgroup E elements in 11 chicken breeds
By: Ziyi Wang, Yiming Yuan, Gang Zheng, Meng Sun, Qinyuan Wang, Junfeng Wu, Junying Li, Congjiao Sun, Yongqiang Wang, Ning Yang, Ling Lian
Avian leukemia virus subgroup E (ALVE) is an endogenous retrovirus, which is extensively integrated with the chicken genome, and has some effects on chicken production traits and appearance. Most of the current studies on ALVE insertion sites were conducted in standard breeds. In this study, we performed a comprehensive analysis of ALVE insertion sites in seven Chinese domestic breeds and four standard breeds using whole genome sequencing data. A total of 37 ALVE insertion sites were identified and all of them were verified by PCR. Twenty-three of the insertion sites were novel. Some ALVE insertion sites were breeds specific, and 16 out of 23 novel ALVEs were found in only one Chinese domestic chicken breed. In addition, the whole sequences of three ALVE insertions were collected by long-range PCR and Sanger sequencing. We found all the insertion sequences were 7525 bp, which were full-length ALVE insertions and all of them were highly homologous to ALVE1 with similarity of 99%. These results provide a theoretical basis for further studies on the effects of ALVE on production traits and disease resistance traits in chickens.
Read the full article in the Journal of Animal Science.