October 03, 2024

Interpretive Summary: Selenium suppressed the LPS-induced oxidative stress of bovine endometrial stromal cells through Nrf2 pathway with high cortisol background

Interpretive Summary: Selenium suppressed the LPS-induced oxidative stress of bovine endometrial stromal cells through Nrf2 pathway with high cortisol background

By: Luying Cui, Fangling Zheng, Min Zhang, Zhihao Wang, Xia Meng, Junsheng Dong, Kangjun Liu, Long Guo, Heng Wang, Jianji Li

The postpartum uterine infections seriously threaten the productive and reproductive performance of dairy cows. The elevated cortisol level after delivery can worsen infections. Selenium (Se) enhances disease resistance of dairy cows. In this study, we observed the changes in the oxidative stress of the primary bovine endometrial stromal cells (BESC) with Se supplement in high cortisol background. First, we found that cortisol alone induced oxidative stress in quiescent BESC, but provided an antioxidant effect in BESC with oxidative stress. Second, Se sustained a global antioxidant ability in BESC oxidative stress and elicited a more significant protective effect in the presence of high cortisol than Se alone.

Read the full article in the Journal of Animal Science.