Interpretive Summary: New findings on the genetic basis of feathered legs in chickens: association of CUBN gene mutations with feathered-leg phenotype
By: Lan Huang, Qixin Guo, Jialuo Sun, Zhixiu Wang, Yong Jiang, Guobin Chang, Hao Bai
Birds display remarkable diversity in the distribution and morphology of scales and feathers on their legs. However, the genetic and developmental mechanisms controlling this diversity are complex and remain largely unknown. Feathered legs are a phenotypic trait of domestic chickens, which have undergone intense selection. Previous studies have shown that the 2 major loci controlling feathered legs are located on chromosomes 13 and 15. In this study, we used a single-nucleotide polymorphism- and insertion and deletion-based genome-wide association study to elucidate the genetic basis of feathered legs in chickens. Additionally, we report a novel mutation in the cubilin gene associated with feathered legs in Bamaxiaogu chickens.
Read the full article in the Journal of Animal Science.