October 17, 2024

Interpretive Summary: Impacts of increasing levels of salt on intake, digestion, and rumen fermentation with beef cattle consuming low-quality forages

Interpretive Summary: Impacts of increasing levels of salt on intake, digestion, and rumen fermentation with beef cattle consuming low-quality forages

By: Hayley C White, Noah G Davis, Megan L Van Emon, Hannah M DelCurto-Wyffels, Samuel A Wyffels, Timothy DelCurto

Beef cattle are often provided supplements to compensate for seasonal nutrient deficiencies. However, one of the challenges to strategic supplementation is controlling individual intake variation. The most common method to regulate intake of self-fed supplements is the use of salt. Recent research has shown intake of salt-limited supplements can be highly variable and thus may result in reduced animal performance and a loss of profit for cattle producers. Our research sought to better understand the impacts of varying levels of dietary salt on intake, digestibility, and rumen fermentation of beef cattle consuming low-quality forages. Overall, our results suggest that consumption of high salt supplements alter rumen function. While salt is a useful tool in regulating supplement intake, high levels of dietary salt may result in lower intakes and less efficient rumen fermentation for beef cattle consuming low-quality forages.

Read the full article in the Journal of Animal Science.