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Interpretive Summary: Dietary fiber and weaning age affect stress and immune markers in saliva of sows and their offspring

By: Łukasz Grześkowiak, José Joaquín Cerón, Marina Lopez-Arjona, Beatriz Martínez-Vallespín, Johannes Schulze Holthausen, Philip Krüsselmann, Cornelia C Metges, Björn Kuhla, Wilfried Vahjen, Jürgen Zentek, Eva-Maria Saliu

This study explored how diet, specifically dietary fiber, and the timing of weaning affect the wellbeing of pigs. The sows and their offspring were fed two types of fiber: low-fermentable hay and high-fermentable sugar beet pulp, in either fine or coarse form. Conventional weaning with late weaning of piglets was also compared. Salivary stress and immune markers of the sows and their offspring were evaluated. The results of this study suggest that high-fermentable sugar beet pulp fiber influences immune function in pigs, and late weaning reduces stress. These insights could help improve the health and wellbeing of pigs through tailored dietary and weaning practices. Further research is needed to understand the long-term effects of these interventions.

Read the full article in the Journal of Animal Science.