American Society of Animal Science – Special Edition
25 Years ~ Look what we have accomplished together:
Over the past 115 years, the American Society of Animal Science (ASAS) has evolved into a multi-faceted organization, including establishing the ASAS Foundation 25 years ago as the philanthropic branch of ASAS. The Foundation enhances, advances, and supports ASAS’ mission and initiatives.
Thanks to the generosity of our members and corporate partners with charitable contributions, the ASAS Foundation has supported nearly 500 ASAS initiatives. This support has provided direct benefit to countless members through graduate students and young animal scientists' travel scholarships, student competitions, prestigious awards, offering distinguished lectures and symposia at meetings for all attendees, and more!
To celebrate our 25th Anniversary, we proudly launch the “Celebrating 25 Years of Excellence – Fostering Innovators for the Future” campaign. Our goal is to raise $250,000 by December 31, 2023, and we ask you to partner with us to reach this goal!
Each Monday in January, Taking Stock will be dedicated to sharing stories of how the ASAS Foundation has supported, impacted, and changed the lives of our members and new initiatives to further benefit and directly impact our members. Continue reading to start the journey with us as we celebrate 25 years of excellence and continue to foster innovators for the future!
The ASAS Foundation is adapting to current and future needs to provide enhanced and increased benefits for ASAS members. Consequently, we are expanding opportunities for our members to support their “home society.”
The ASAS Foundation’s Legacy Fund has historically been the financial source to support many of ASAS Foundation’s highest priorities. As we look to the future, the Legacy Fund will be diversified into three Advancement Funds to choose from as you partner with us and select an area of interest that most closely aligns with your passion and philanthropic goals. The three Advancement Funds are:
- Legacy Fund: This fund is dedicated to supporting our highest priorities, which include but are not limited to, the Jr. Animal Scientists program, Animal Frontiers, supporting diversity, equity, and inclusion work, supplementing other funds as needed, supporting the National Meeting, and foundation management of these initiatives.
- Student and Young Animal Scientists Opportunities Fund: This fund is dedicated to our graduate students and young animal scientists, ensuring our commitment to their current and future success. Support will include, but is not limited to, student travel scholarships, student competitions, graduate student achievement awards, D.C. agriculture interns, and foundation management of these initiatives.
- Excellence in Animal Science Advancement Fund: This fund is committed to enhancing and expanding excellence in animal science programming and increasing the number of members recognized for their transformational work in animal science. Support will include, but is not limited to, increasing the number of ASAS members recognized through an award for their transformational work, securing distinguished lectures and renowned symposia, and foundation management of these initiatives.
To learn more about the Advancement Funds, visit here.
"It is truly an honor to be the recipient of the Robert Wettemann Graduate Scholar in Physiology Award and to be recognized for my scientific advancements in the field of reproductive physiology. I would personally like to thank the generous supporters of ASAS Foundation’s Robert Wettemann Appreciation Club that make this award possible. Recognition such as this acknowledges and celebrates the dedication and hard work required to execute research for the advancement of the animal science industry." - Katherine M. Halloran | Postdoctoral Fellow | University of Michigan
“I would like to thank the generous supporters of ASAS Foundation’s Wilson G. Pond Appreciation Club for providing me with a unique opportunity to attend the 19th International Congress on Animal Reproduction (ICAR) during my doctoral program. ICAR gathers scientists from all around the globe in the field of reproductive physiology, and it is only held every four years; therefore, it was a great opportunity to network and present my research.” - Felipe Alves Corrêa Carvalho da Silva | Graduate Research Assistant | Department of Animal Sciences |University of Florida
“ASAS has been a foundational aspect of my career and personal life for more than four decades. Starting from my first annual meeting in 1975 to editorial service for JAS over the years, membership on the Board of Directors, leadership positions in the Society, and lasting friendships formed through the years, ASAS has been a constant and positive part of my life. Giving back to ASAS through the support of the Foundation has been a small way that Charlotte and I can express our gratitude for what ASAS has meant to us.” – Mike Galyean, Ph.D. | Professor and Provost | Texas Tech University | Department of Animal and Food Sciences
“My membership in ASAS was instrumental in developing my professional career in swine nutrition. I support the ASAS Foundation to ensure the next generation of animal scientists have these opportunities as well, so the current animal science community has a venue for the exchange of scientific knowledge and ideas.” – Ellen Davis, Ph.D. | Swine Technical Service Manager | Arm & Hammer Animal and Food Production
The ASAS Foundation is made possible through the generosity of our members, corporate partners, and friends of ASAS. We thank our supporters by recognizing you as a Giving Partner! For information about the ASAS Foundation Giving Partner levels, visit online here.
Every gift, of any amount, offers a direct and meaningful impact for our ASAS members. While giving back to your “home society,” you are also paying it forward to current and future animal scientists.
Join us as we work together to ensure that the generations after us have the same experiences, share similar stories, and carry on with the smile you hold when you think of all that being an ASAS member has done for you.
To learn more about how charitable contributions have a meaningful impact on our members and to support the ASAS Foundation, visit here. Contributions are accepted online, or you may mail a check payable to American Society of Animal Science to ASAS Foundation, PO Box 7410, Champaign, IL 61826-7410. For information on more ways to give, such as with gifts of securities or an IRA’s QCD, please visit here and select the Ways To Give option.
Giving Partners will be recognized at events, and names will be listed on the ASAS website and printed in recognition materials. All requests for anonymity will be respected.
Show your ASAS pride by purchasing ASAS Foundation special edition 25th Anniversary apparel and coffee mugs! Check out the many options and purchase online here: ASAS Foundation Online Store.
The online store is open for a limited time, January 9th-January 31st.
All proceeds will benefit ASAS Foundation’s Legacy Fund.
As a thank you for your generosity, you will receive one of these Collector Magnets each year that you make a difference in our members’ lives with a charitable contribution.
These magnets exemplify your generosity and commitment to changing the lives of current and future animal scientists with your support of the ASAS Foundation.
Each Monday this month, the ASAS Foundation will highlight an area of impact. Check out Taking Stock - Special Edition past and upcoming schedule:
January 2: New Year ~ New Opportunities
January 9: Campaign launch ~ “Celebrating 25 Years of Excellence – Fostering Innovators for the Future.” Highlights the history of the ASAS Foundation, 25 Years of Impact – By The Numbers, a video message from Bill Weldon and Amy Brainard, and more!
January 16: Past and Present ~ Highlights how the ASAS Foundation supports our members. Focus on Appreciation Clubs, Fellows Club, and the Past Presidents Fund, and includes a personal video message from Dr. Dwight Armstrong.
January 23: Looking Ahead ~ Highlights new initiatives. Focus on what is on the horizon and will include a personal video message from Steve Pollmann.
January 30: 1908 Society ~ Highlights legacy giving and opportunities to “pay it forward,” supporting current and future animal scientists, and includes a personal video message from Dr. Bob Wettemann.