American Society of Animal Science – Special Edition
For 25 years, the ASAS Foundation has celebrated and supported excellence in science through prestigious awards, excellence in education through programming with distinguished speakers for symposia and lectures, and excellence in supporting the next generation of animal scientists with travel scholarships, early career achievement awards, and more.
The ASAS Foundation also has the Fellows Club and the Past Presidents Fund to complement the historic Legacy Fund and Appreciation Clubs.
Supporting our Fellows Club is an exceptional way to pay it forward to the next generation. The ASAS Foundation annually presents the Early Career Achievement Award to two early career scientists. The recipients receive a two-year complimentary membership in ASAS, registration for the ASAS Annual Meeting, a travel allowance of up to $1,500 for the Annual Meeting, and recognition at the Annual Meeting. Since 2007, the ASAS Foundation has awarded 25 Early Career Achievement Awards!
The Past Presidents Fund supports the opening ceremony at our Annual Meeting, where many of us had our first introduction to ASAS. The Opening Session is where it continues to start each year for our young animal scientists. Let’s help ensure that their first experience with ASAS is as meaningful and engaging as it was for each of us.
In addition, beginning in 2022, the ASAS Foundation launched fundraising efforts for two exciting new initiatives:
- Innovations in Animal Breeding and Genetics Award Fund: This fund is dedicated to honoring, recognizing and celebrating our members' transformational and distinguished work in animal breeding and genetics research. After thoughtful deliberation, ASAS retired the annually funded Rockefeller Prentice Memorial Award in Animal Breeding and Genetics Award to establish an endowed award through the foundation, assuring its commitment to honoring exceptional animal breeding and genetics research.
- Swine Nutrition Heritage Fund: This fund will allow animal scientists to learn about emerging concepts, tools of study, and strategies for breakthrough health and nutrition advancements by inviting an industry expert to lead a partial-day workshop on emerging nonruminant technology. In addition, it will support a travel scholarship for a distinguished graduate student member of ASAS whose research is in nonruminant nutrition to attend an ASAS-supported meeting. In addition, this fund celebrates the extraordinary nonruminant nutritionists' lineage of the University of Lincoln-Nebraska's professors and industry leaders that can be traced back to Drs. Ernie Peo, Murray Danielson, Austin Lewis, Ronnie D. Moser, and so many more “giants.”
"He was a thinker. . . . He would sit with his feet to the fire, not drowsing or dreaming, but thinking hard, and then he would go to his desk and write awhile, and then come back to think." Written by E. H. Jenkins about our first ASAS President, Henry Prentiss Armsby, and his method of work.
Many animal scientists can relate to this approach and credit this to success in their professional careers. Supporting the Past Presidents Club celebrates all of us “thinkers” and encourages those who follow in our footsteps to have the same success.
The ASAS Foundation is made possible through the generosity of our members, corporate partners, and friends of ASAS. We thank our supporters by recognizing you as a Giving Partner! For information about the ASAS Foundation Giving Partner levels, visit online here.
Every gift, of any amount, offers a direct and meaningful impact for our ASAS members. While giving back to your “home society,” you are also paying it forward to current and future animal scientists.
Join us as we work together to ensure that the generations after us have the same experiences, share similar stories, and carry on with the smile you hold when you think of all that being an ASAS member has done for you.
To learn more about how charitable contributions have a meaningful impact on our members and to support the ASAS Foundation, visit here. Contributions are accepted online, or you may mail a check payable to American Society of Animal Science to ASAS Foundation, PO Box 7410, Champaign, IL 61826-7410. For information on more ways to give, such as with gifts of securities or an IRA’s QCD, please visit here.
Giving Partners will be recognized at events, and names will be listed on the ASAS website and printed in recognition materials. All requests for anonymity will be respected.
Show how your ASAS pride by purchasing ASAS Foundation special edition 25th Anniversary apparel and coffee mugs! Check out the many options and purchase online here: ASAS Foundation Online Store. The online store is open for a limited time, January 9th-January 31st.
All proceeds will benefit ASAS Foundation’s Legacy Fund.
As a thank you for your generosity, you will receive one of these Collector Magnets each year that you make a difference in our members’ lives with a charitable contribution.
These magnets exemplify your generosity and commitment to changing the lives of current and future animal scientists with your support of the ASAS Foundation.
Each Monday this month, the ASAS Foundation highlights an area of impact. Check out Taking Stock - Special Edition past and upcoming schedule:
January 2: New Year ~ New Opportunities
January 9: Campaign launch ~ “Celebrating 25 Years of Excellence – Fostering Innovators for the Future.” Highlights the history of the ASAS Foundation, 25 Years of Impact – By The Numbers, a video message from Bill Weldon and Amy Brainard, and more!
January 16: Past and Present ~ Highlights how the ASAS Foundation supports our members. Focus on Appreciation Clubs, Fellows Club, and the Past Presidents Fund, and includes a personal video message from Dr. Dwight Armstrong.
January 23: Looking Ahead ~ Highlights new initiatives. Focus on what is on the horizon and will include a personal video message from Steve Pollmann.
January 30: 1908 Society ~ Highlights legacy giving and opportunities to “pay it forward,” supporting current and future animal scientists, and includes a personal video message from Dr. Bob Wettemann.