Award Winner Detail

Award: ASAS Young Scholar Award
Univeristy: New Mexico State University
Year: 2022
Section Awarded: National

Emily A. Melchior, ASAS Young Scholar Award


Emily A. Melchior received her B.S. from Berry College and M.S. from the University of Tennessee. In 2018, Emily began her Ph.D. program at New Mexico State University under Drs. Shanna Ivey and Eric Scholljegerdes. During her Ph.D. program, Emily investigated the use of a modified-live viral or killed viral vaccination regimen on beef cow herd longevity, calf growth and development, and immune performance. Her research was conducted at the Corona Range and Livestock Research Center at NMSU. Emily has secured >$170k in funding, including a USDA Predoctoral Fellowship, served as ASAS National Graduate Student Director, and as a teaching assistant in 10 animal science courses. Emily received first place in the M.S. competition at the ASAS Southern Section meeting in 2018 and received the W.D. Farr Scholarship from the National Cattlemen’s Foundation in 2020. Emily has authored or co-authored 10 research publications and proceedings, and 12 abstracts presented at scientific meetings.

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