Northeast Webinar: Microbes + Social Equity: what is it and how do we do it? with Dr. Sue Ishaq.
Northeast Webinar: How to succeed as an early career scientist.
ASAS Webinar: Lessons Learned from 10 Years in Academic Administration with Dr. Joseph Cassady.
ASAS Webinar with journal EiCs
ASAS Webinar: Heat Stress Effects on Yield Persist with Dr. Geoffrey Dahl.
ASAS Webinar: Accomplishments and Advancements in Ruminant Nutrition: Thoughts for Sustainable Production with Dr. Luis Tedeschi.
ASAS Webinar: Maternal Lactocrine Programming of Postnatal Development with Dr. Frank "Skip" Bartol.
ASAS Webinar: National Animal Nutrition Program: Science Based – Data Driven – Future Focused with Dr. Phil Miller.
ASAS Webinar: Nutritional Biochemistry of Bioactive Fatty Acids in the Neonatal Pig with Dr. Jack Odle, North Carolina State University
ASAS Webinar: Use of dietary carbohydrates to improve gut health in pigs with Dr. Ruurd Zijlstra, University of Alberta
ASAS Webinar: The Role of Maternal Nutrition in Developmental Programming Using a Sheep Model with 2022 Randel Lectureship Presenter, Dr. Kristen Govoni, University of Connecticut
ASAS Webinar: Genetic improvement of disease resilience in pigs with Dr. Jack Dekkers, Iowa State University
ASAS Webinar: Practical Applications for Developmental Programming of the Bovine Ovary with 2022 Randel Lectureship Presenter, Dr. Robert Cushman, USDA, ARS, USMARC
ASAS Webinar: Scientific Publishing 101 - How to be successful in an ever-changing landscape, Dr. Elisabeth Huff-Lonergan, Iowa State University and incoming Journal of Animal Science Editor-in-Chief
Animal Science Council of Accreditation Q&A Webinar
ASAS Webinar: Nitrate toxicity and management considerations for forage and livestock production - Dr. Janna Block
ASAS Webinar: How is marbling different from other fat deposits? - Dr. Stephen B. Smith, Texas A&M University Department of Animal Science
ASAS Webinar: Sow Longevity: It's Importance to Commercial Sow Herds - Dr. Kenneth Stalder, Iowa State University
ASAS Webinar: Advances in reproductive technologies and future reproductive technologies to enhance beef cattle production efficiency - Dr. G. Cliff Lamb, Texas A&M University
ASAS Webinar: Porcine Somatropin (pST): What did we learn and what happened to it as a product? - Dr. Michael Azain, University of Georgia
ASAS Webinar: How new technology has changed swine nutrition over the last 30 years - Dr. Robert Goodband, Kansas State University
ASAS Webinar: Lions in the path of livestock genetic improvement - Dr. James Reecy, Iowa State University
ASAS Webinar: A student's perspective on interviewing in today's world - Panel discussion
Panelists: Siena Mowrer, New Mexico State University; Sara Gurulé, New Mexico State University; Chali Simpson, New Mexico State University; Sade Ford, North Carolina Agriculture and Technical State University; Ajenee Wineglass, North Carolina Agriculture and Technical State University; Lisa Kirsten Senn, Purdue University; Brandon Alley, Purdue University; Denise Guevara Riiz, Texas Tech University
Hosts: Emily Melchior, New Mexico State University; Jerica Hall, Texas Tech University
ASAS Webinar: Interviewing in Today's World Panel Discussion
Panelists:Dr. Marnie Mellencamp, Zoetis, Inc; Dr. Mike (Mose) Moseley, Positively Mose, LLC; Mr. John Zbikowski, Zinpro Corporation; Dr. Kimberly Vonnahme, Zoetis, Inc; Dr. Pedro Fontes, University of Georgia; Mr. Justin Chesnut, Elanco
ASAS Webinar: How to navigate the National Science Foundation (NSF) grant process
Panelists:Dr. Steven Ellis, National Science Foundation; Dr. Theodore Morgan, National Science Foundation
ASAS Webinar: Precision Management of Animals: Image Precessing and Computer Vision Applications - Dr. Isabella Condotta, University of Illinois
ASAS Webinar: Helping new investigators navigate the USDA NIFA grant process: a panel discussion
Panelists:Dr. Mark Mirando, USDA NIFA; Dr. Deb Hamernik, USDA NIFA; Dr. Vitor R.G. Mercadante, Virginia Tech; Dr. Jennifer Van Os, University of Wisconsin-Madison and Dr. Joshua Selsby, Iowa State University
ASAS Webinar: Increasing the genetic potential of commercial beef production: a historical and future look at genetic programs at the US Meat Animal Research Center , Dr. Larry Kuehn
ASAS Webinar: Early Career Transition Panel Discussion
Panelists: Dr. Andrew Foote, Oklahoma State University; Dr. Connie Larson, Zinpro Corporation; Dr. Kimberly Vonnahme, Zoetis, Inc. and Dr. Darrh Bullock, University of Kentucky
ASAS Follow-up Webinar: Challenges and Opportunities of Moving Your Courses Online, What We've Learned - Panel Discussion
Panelists: Dr. Jodi Sterle, Iowa State University; Dr. Debra Aaron, University of Kentucky; Dr. Scott Radcliffe, Purdue University and Dr. Cassandra Jones, Kansas State University
ASAS Webinar: Beef Production from the Dairy Herd, Dr. Daniel Schaefer
ASAS Webinar: Nutritional Regulation of Muscle Growth, Dr. Teresa Davis
ASAS Webinar: Surviving the review process: An editor's perspective, Dr. James Sartin
ASAS Webinar: Elements of an effective oral scientific presentation, Dr. N. Andy Cole
ASAS Webinar: Sustainable food animal production: Providing a good life for farm animals, Dr. Marina (Nina) von Keyserlingk
ASAS Webinar: Cell-based meat: the need to assess holistically, Drs. Cameron Faustman, Deborah Hamernik, Michael Looper, Steven Zinn
ASAS Webinar: Elements of an effective scientific poster presentation, Dr. Cassie Jones
ASAS Webinar:The impacts of COVID-19 on cattle and beef markets and what comes next, Dr. Darrell Peel
ASAS Webinar: Ensuring the USA has a leading role in providing animal protein for the world's food future, Dr. Jack Britt
ASAS Webinar: Genetic control of thermotolerance in cattle at the whole-animal and cellular level - Dr. Peter Hansen, University Florida
ASAS Webinar: Challenges and Opportunities of Courses Moving Online - a Student's Perspective
Panelists Joslyn Beard, University of Nebraska; Russell Carrell, Auburn University; Emily Melchior, New Mexico State University; Pedro Carvalho, Penn State University and Brooke Clemmons, University of Tennessee
ASAS Webinar: Challenges and Opportunities of Moving Your Courses Online - Panel Discussion
Panelists: Dr. Jodi Sterle, Iowa State University; Dr. Debra Aaron, University of Kentucky; Dr. Scott Radcliffe, Purdue University and Dr. Cassandra Jones, Kansas State University
ASAS Webinar: Reproductive Behavior - the basis of reproductive success - Dr. Brenda Alexander, University of Wyoming
ASAS Webinar: A decade of continuous improvement - how far has U.S. dairy production come since 2007? - Dr. Jude Capper, Livestock Sustainability Consultant
ASAS Webinar Series_Jude Capper from ASAS on Vimeo.
Recording of Western Section ASAS teaching webinar on May 11, 2017
WSASAS Teaching Webinar: The value of internships for undergraduate students from ASAS on Vimeo.
Presenter: Loren Baranko, Lecturer and Internship Coordinator in the Department of Animal Sciences at North Dakota State University.
Beef RoundTable
BRT_Sept_2017: National Beef Quality Audit from Scott Radcliffe on Vimeo.
To view Other webinars in this series visit the Beef RoundTable channel on Vimeo.
Nutrient Requirements of Beef Cattle
Nutrient Requirements of Beef Cattle - Protein, vitamins and minerals
Nutrient Requirements of Beef Cattle
Nutrient Requirements of Beef Cattle
Communicating animal science to policymakers
My Experience as an ASAS Intern in Washington, DC (Lilly Rogers)
My Experience as an ASAS Intern in Washington, DC (Jordan Hieber)
Importance of Animal Protein in Our Diet
Contributions of Non-Traditional Meat Animals to Global Food Security and Agricultural Economy
Advocating for Animal Agriculture in Washington, D.C., a Student Perspective