Vision, Goals and Objectives


Over the past 115 years, the American Society of Animal Science (ASAS) has evolved into the multi-faceted organization it is today. Through those years, the ASAS Foundation was established by the ASAS Board of Directors as its philanthropic branch. Many ASAS members belong to other professional societies yet consider ASAS their “home” society. The ASAS Foundation provides tax-deductible charitable opportunities which provide direct and meaningful impact for animal scientists at every stage of their careers. Thanks to the generosity of ASAS members, friends and corporate partners, support to the ASAS Foundation provides:

  • Travel scholarships to students and young scientists to attend sectional, annual and international meetings,
  • Funding for distinguished speakers at symposia and keynote lectures,
  • Funding for the Animal Frontiers and Jr. Animal Scientist publications
  • Funding for advocacy interns in Washington D.C.
  • Support for prestigious annual awards to recognize and honor exceptional work in the Animal Sciences.

2024 / 2025 Priorities

1) Legacy FundThis fund is dedicated to supporting our highest priorities, which include but are not limited to, student travel scholarships and competitions, distinguished awards and symposia, Animal Frontiers, supporting diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives, supplementing other funds as needed, supporting the National Meeting, and foundation management of these initiatives.

2) Students and Young Animal Scientists Opportunities Fund. This fund is dedicated to our graduate students and young animal scientists, ensuring our commitment to their current and future success. Support will include, but is not limited to, student travel scholarships, student competitions, graduate student achievement awards,  D.C. agriculture policy interns, and foundation management of these initiatives.

3) Excellence in Animal Science Advancement Fund. This fund is committed to enhancing and expanding excellence in animal science programming and increasing the number of members recognized for their transformational work in animal science. Support will include, but is not limited to, increasing the number of ASAS members recognized through an award for their transformational work, securing distinguished lectures and renowned symposia for sectional, annual, and international meetings, and foundation management of these initiatives.

4) Swine Nutrition Heritage Fund. This fund provides a travel scholarship for a distinguished graduate student member of ASAS whose research is in nonruminant nutrition to attend an ASAS-supported meeting. In addition, once fully funded, it will provide animal scientists with the opportunity to learn about emerging concepts, tools of study, and strategies for breakthrough health and nutrition advancements by inviting an industry expert to lead a partial-day workshop on emerging nonruminant technology. 



The ASAS Foundation was created by the ASAS Board of Directors to identify individual and corporate entities who would seek to emulate the actions of F.B. Morrison in enhancing and perpetuating the activities of the Society. The Foundation seeks to create a nucleus of funds and investments from which its Board of Directors and its membership may address critical issues facing the profession. Moreover, we would encourage the funding of ventures into new areas that will assist the society and its members in obtaining excellence in a highly dynamic industry. We visualize a corpus of funds composed of gifts, grants, and endowments, each tailored to the needs and wishes of the donor and that are consistent with the mission of ASAS.

Goals and Objectives

    1. Create a sufficient corpus of funds to address issues of significance to ASAS.
      1. Develop a procedure for donor identification, classification, cultivation and solicitation.
      2. Develop a vehicle through which the society may receive contributions and disperse the proceeds consistent with legal and regulatory requirements and in accordance with the wishes of the donor.
      3. Organize and train selected officers, trustees and members in the cultivation and solicitation process.
    2. Establish a process by which the ASAS Board of Directors, Symposia Chairs, Committees and others of its membership can request financial support.
      1. Develop guidelines and a calendar for funding requests to be received by the Board of Directors and/or a committee composed of the Board of Directors and Foundation trustees.
      2. Develop a list of specific or critical interests of the Board of Directors and/or Foundation for which requests will receive priority consideration. The list would be reviewed annually and revised as appropriate.
      3. Develop a specific procedure to review all requests for funding.
    3. Plan a variety of informational and educational opportunities for the membership to learn about the purpose of the Foundation and how they may assist themselves and the Society both personally and financially.
      1. Develop specific articles and/or newsletter inclusions that discuss the Foundation and its ability to assist them in estate planning while helping the society.
      2. Honor donors and inform membership about how other members have made significant lead gifts. With permission of the donor, illustrate both financial benefits to the donor and society.
      3. Consider providing elective estate planning seminars and other educational seminars at the annual and/or section membership meetings. As a part of the seminar, the Foundation could be highlighted as a vehicle for achieving a portion of the plan.


    The ASAS Foundation has more than 30 funds that have been established for and supported by our members and friends of ASAS. Please visit the Foundation Funds page and support the fund that is meaningful to you!


Become an ASAS member

Membership is open to individuals, organizations, or firms interested in research and application, instruction, or extension in animal science or associated with the production, processing, marketing, or distribution of livestock and livestock products.

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