2022 ASAS-CSAS Annual Meeting & Trade Show

Online Program
The Online Program and Events Website is now available!
Mobile App
Options for using the Mobile App include:
- Apple iOS Devices - install the free Apple iOS App and download the conference materials to your device
- Android Devices - install the free Google Play App and download the conference materials to your device
Oral Presentation Information
- All presentations must be in PowerPoint format.
- Screen ratio size (ratio of width to height) needs to be 16:9.
- Please be aware that animations and videos are not supported.
- The length of the talk should be a total of 15 minutes.
(12 minutes for presentation and 3 minutes for Q&A)
Oral presentation upload information was mailed to presenting authors on 5/20/22. Please check the spam folder if the email was not received. Oral upload deadline was Wednesday, June 15, 2022.
NOTE: Oral presentations can be uploaded onsite at the meeting in Room 202.
Poster Presentation Information
- All posters are digital.
- All posters must be in PDF format at the highest resolution possible.
- The screen ratio size needs to be 16:9 (wide screen, landscape mode).
- Fonts should be sans-serif (e.g., Arial, Calibri, etc.).
- Minimum font size should be at least 28pt.
- Please be aware that animations and videos are not supported.
- The length of the talk should be a total of 5 minutes.
(3 minutes for presentation and 2 minutes for Q&A)
Poster presentation upload information was mailed to presenting authors on 5/12/22. Please check the spam folder if the email was not received. Poster upload deadline was Monday, May 30, 2022.
NOTE: Posters can be uploaded onsite at the meeting in Exhibit Hall A.
Competition Guidelines
Abstract Submission
Late-Breaking Abstract Submissions is closed for the 2022 ASAS-CSAS Annual Meeting & Trade Show!
Deadline was May 9, 2022 at 3:00 PM CT
General Information
- Original research, teaching, and extension papers are encouraged. Oral papers or posters should consist of original, completed work that has not been accepted for publication.
- Authors need to be aware of patent considerations before submitting abstracts for publication.
- Abstract text is limited to 300 words, excluding title, keywords and any tables. Do not double-space between sentences as this extra space is considered a word in the count.
- Tables can be added as a PDF during the abstract submission process. Use the Table Guidelines and view the examples prior to submission. This will allow for a consistent display within the Meeting App and Website.
Abstract Submission Instructions
National Awards
Nominations are closed. The deadline to submit a nomination was January 14, 2022 at 3:00 PM CST.