American Society of Animal Science – Special Edition
For 25 years, the ASAS Foundation has celebrated and supported excellence in science through prestigious awards, excellence in education through programming with distinguished speakers for symposia and lectures, and excellence in supporting the next generation of animal scientists with travel scholarships, early career achievement awards, and more.
The foundation of the ASAS Foundation has and continues to be its Appreciation Clubs. Your support of these Appreciation Clubs recognizes, honors, and celebrates our members' innovative and transformational work and their contributions to animal science and provides a direct impact that benefits our members. Appreciation Clubs are our way to support each other while sustaining and advancing ASAS’ mission and initiatives.
Learn more about the 30+ Appreciation Clubs below and find a fund that supports a cause that is meaningful to you.
“I am extremely grateful for my time as the 2022 ASAS D.C. intern and served at the USDA’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture with Mr. Josh Stull, Senior Advisor, Stakeholder Engagement and Congressional Affairs. Soon after my internship, I interned for the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Agriculture. After a month on that committee, I was hired as a staff assistant and am currently working here on Capitol Hill. My experience through the ASAS internship has been tremendously valuable to me and has helped me begin my career in the agricultural policy space. I am extremely thankful to the generous supporters of the ASAS Foundation and Mr. Josh Stull for providing me the opportunity to work in Washington D.C. and discover my true passion!” Madeleine Ring | Staff Assistant for the House Committee on Agriculture under Chairman David Scott
Foundation initiatives that support animal agriculture interns in Washington, DC include:
- Jack H. Britt Appreciation Club
- Louis J. Boyd Appreciation Club
- Barb Glenn Appreciation Club
- Harold D. Hafs Appreciation Club
- Robert G. Zimbelman Appreciation Club
"It is truly an honor to be the recipient of the Robert Wettemann Graduate Scholar in Physiology Award and to be recognized for my scientific advancements in the field of reproductive physiology. I would personally like to thank the generous supporters of ASAS Foundation’s Robert Wettemann Appreciation Club that make this award possible. Recognition such as this acknowledges and celebrates the dedication and hard work required to execute research for the advancement of the animal science industry." - Katherine M. Halloran | Postdoctoral Fellow | University of Michigan
Foundation initiatives that support students and early-career animal scientists include:
- Armstrong Leadership Award: Recognizing young leaders for their engagement with American Society of Animal Science
L.E. Casida Award: Graduate education in reproductive physiology award
Fellows Club: Early career awards to two young career scientists
Joseph P. Fontenot Appreciation Club: Graduate student travel to Annual and Southern Meetings
Gretchen Hill Appreciation Club: Midwest student competitions
Tim S. Stahly and Ernest R. Peo, Jr. Memorial and Tribute Fund: Graduate students award in swine nutrition at Midwest
Wilson G. Pond Appreciation Club: Graduate and early career international travel funds.
H. Allen Tucker Appreciation Club: Graduate student travel to Annual Meeting
Cundiff, Dickerson, Gregory, Koch, Van Vleck (“CDGKV”) Appreciation Club: Graduate student travel to World Congress
- Robert Wettemann Appreciation Club: Graduate scholar in physiology award
“It is with great honor and humility that I accepted the 2022 ASAS President’s Award for International Achievements in Animal Science in Oklahoma City this last June. After 36 years as a research scientist with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, this Award is most important because it provides confirmation that the work I have done over the years was useful, meaningful, and appreciated by the scientific community. This is really a unique and most welcome token of appreciation, and I would like to take this opportunity to personally thank all the people who generously supported the ASAS Foundation’s James Sartin Appreciation Club for making this award possible. Please continue to do so for others to continue benefiting from it.” -Chantal Farmer, Ph.D. | Research scientist / Swine lactation biology | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada / Government of Canada
Foundation initiatives recognizing members include:
Jean Claude Bouffault International Award Fund: International award
Jim Corbin Award Fund: Companion animal science award
Gary Cromwell Appreciation Club: Minerals
Michael Galyean Appreciation Club: Invited paper for innovation in beef cattle nutrition and research
James W. Lauderdale Appreciation Club: Physiology and endocrinology award
Rodney L. Preston Appreciation Club: Innovative cattle research at the Annual Meeting
James Sartin Appreciation Club: International members excellence in animal science
“It was an honor to receive the Klopfenstein Lectureship for 2021. I have the utmost respect and appreciation for Dr. Klopfenstein and the impact of his career on the Animal Science community and the entire discipline of ruminant nutrition. One important contribution of his career was the training of many graduate students who have gone on to also have a major impact on the Animal Science community. I was fortunate to have Dr. Klopfenstein on my PhD committee. The opportunity to work under his guidance helped set the course for my career. I am humbled to have my name associated with Dr. Klopfenstein and others who have received the lectureship recognition.” – Jack Whittier, Ph.D. | Professor Emeritus in Animal Science | Panhandle Research and Extension Center | University of Nebraska
Foundation initiatives supporting scientific meetings include:
Gary L. Allee Appreciation Club: Nonruminant nutrition symposium at Midwest
David H. Baker Appreciation Club: Nonruminant nutrition symposium at Midwest
Orville Bentley Appreciation Club: Lectureship at Midwest (International excellence)
Billy Day Appreciation Club: Reproductive physiology symposia at Midwest
George Fahey Appreciation Club: Companion animal science program at Annual
Temple Grandin Appreciation Club: Animal behavior and welfare symposium
Terry Klopfenstein Appreciation Club: Beef nutrition and research lecture at Midwest
James W. Lauderdale Appreciation Club: Triennial reproductive physiology symposium
Charles Maxwell Appreciation Club: Swine health and/or nutrition lecture at Midwest
Past Presidents Fund: Support Opening Session at the ASAS-CSAS Annual Meeting
Ronald D. Randel Appreciation Club: Reproductive physiology program at Southern meeting
Harlan D. Ritchie Appreciation Club: Ruminant nutrition and management symposium at Midwest
Cundiff, Dickerson, Gregory, Koch, Van Vleck (“CDGKV”) Appreciation Club: Breeding and Genetics at the Annual Meeting
The ASAS Foundation is made possible through the generosity of our members, corporate partners, and friends of ASAS. We thank our supporters by recognizing you as a Giving Partner! For information about the ASAS Foundation Giving Partner levels, visit online here.
Every gift, of any amount, offers a direct and meaningful impact for our ASAS members. While giving back to your “home society,” you are also paying it forward to current and future animal scientists.
Join us as we work together to ensure that the generations after us have the same experiences, share similar stories, and carry on with the smile you hold when you think of all that being an ASAS member has done for you.
To learn more about how charitable contributions have a meaningful impact on our members and to support the ASAS Foundation, visit here. Contributions are accepted online, or you may mail a check payable to American Society of Animal Science to ASAS Foundation, PO Box 7410, Champaign, IL 61826-7410. For information on more ways to give, such as with gifts of securities or an IRA’s QCD, please visit here and select the Ways To Give option.
Giving Partners will be recognized at events, and names will be listed on the ASAS website and printed in recognition materials. All requests for anonymity will be respected.
Show your ASAS pride by purchasing ASAS Foundation special edition 25th Anniversary apparel and coffee mugs! Check out the many options and purchase online here: ASAS Foundation Online Store.
The online store is open for a limited time, January 9th-January 31st.
All proceeds will benefit ASAS Foundation’s Legacy Fund.
As a thank you for your generosity, you will receive one of these Collector Magnets each year that you make a difference in our members’ lives with a charitable contribution.
These magnets exemplify your generosity and commitment to changing the lives of current and future animal scientists with your support of the ASAS Foundation.
Each Monday this month, the ASAS Foundation will highlight an area of impact. Check out Taking Stock - Special Edition past and upcoming schedule:
January 2: New Year ~ New Opportunities
January 9: Campaign launch ~ “Celebrating 25 Years of Excellence – Fostering Innovators for the Future.” Highlights the history of the ASAS Foundation, 25 Years of Impact – By The Numbers, a video message from Bill Weldon and Amy Brainard, and more!
January 16: Past and Present ~ Highlights how the ASAS Foundation supports our members. Focus on Appreciation Clubs, Fellows Club, and the Past Presidents Fund, and includes a personal video message from Dr. Dwight Armstrong.
January 23: Looking Ahead ~ Highlights new initiatives. Focus on what is on the horizon and will include a personal video message from Steve Pollmann.
January 30: 1908 Society ~ Highlights legacy giving and opportunities to “pay it forward,” supporting current and future animal scientists, and includes a personal video message from Dr. Bob Wettemann.