CSAS Fellowship 2019

Dr. Pierre Lacasse, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Sponsored by Canadian Science Publishing

Lacasse1_CSAS2019Dr. Pierre Lacasse obtained a Ph.D. in Animal Science from McGill University in 1993. After a postdoc in New Zealand, he joined AAFC Sherbrooke R&D Centre in 1995 as a research  scientist in the Biology of lactation. Dr. Lacasse has made outstanding contributions to the understanding of the biological processes controlling lactation and immune resistance, to the development of tools and methods to improve the health, well-being and longevity of dairy cows and the improvement of milk quality. Most remarkably, his recent results on the role of prolactin during ongoing lactation acted like a revival of the importance of this hormone. Simple and inexpensive to implement, postpartum incomplete milking improves health and reproduction and is now adopted by a growing number of dairy farms. His idea of using prolactin inhibition at drying-off has led to the development of a product sold to farms in several countries. His work on milk iodine has helped the dairy industry solve an important problem. He is also involved in the management of large integrated research programs. Notably, he is a founding member of the “Mastitis Research Network” and of “OP+lait: le regroupement de recherché pour un lait de qualité optimale”.

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